Elder White got to experience snow for the first time! (He has the best facial expressions) And he sure did enjoy it :) Him and his sister even got to make a snowman.
The White family was blessed with a new addition not too long ago, and Elder got to spend some time with his first nephew.
And here is Elder White with his parents at the Provo Temple.
Here is an account of the day Elder White was dropped off at the MTC from his mother:
"We had a ball before dropping him at the MTC. We got to see many sites in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. Josh got to go through the salt lake temple and really was happy to do a session there. He was amazed with the sites in and around the temple. We just didn't have enough time to do everything. The MTC was so cool though. Parents aren't to hang and say goodbye, so we did that across the street from the MTC, at the Provo temple. We pulled into the MTC to drop him off, and there were about 150 to 200 missionary "hosts". They helped him get his baggage and then walked him into the MTC. They were all so sweet, telling me not to cry. Then we drove off. What a day." - MOM
Josh has been at the MTC for nearly a week now and he is loving it! Here is what he has to say about what has happened so far:
"So I love it here; I am learning so much that it
hurts to think about it. It feels like I’ve been here a week and it’s only been
three days, I'm spending almost every minute gaining a stronger testimony. My
companion is awesome, my district is awesome. Everyone is so happy to be here. You
can’t help but feel the spirit. It radiates on every word, and in every face. We
spend most of the day studying and preparing for mock investigators and even
though we know they are our teachers you can still receive revelation for the
person they are pretending to be. and learning how to teach others to pray,
recognize the spirit, come unto Christ that they might be baptized and
receive the holy ghost is really intense. there are times where you feel
exhausted and that you cant learn any more, when your tired and hungry and your
brain and eyes just hurt to see another scripture or piece of doctrine, you get
down on your knees with your companion and pray that we might be able to
continue to learn and be sensitive to the spirit that we might gleam more, or
see more of what a investigator is in gods eye. As a beloved child of god who
deserves to feel loved by god and Christ. And then you get up off your
knees and keep doing what you were before the prayer only with new found
strength and alertness.
I love this gospel and what it can do for the
live of the children of men." - Elder White
Elder White leaves the Missionary Training Center on March 6, 2013. You can still send him a letter there for now but be aware that the address will change in the next week!
Elder White leaves the Missionary Training Center on March 6, 2013. You can still send him a letter there for now but be aware that the address will change in the next week!
We are so proud of him!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehope he doesn't make da mommy cry too hard